Unlocking the Basics

Embark on your AI journey with this essential section, ‎designed to demystify the key terms and concepts for beginners. Gain confidence and ‎understanding as you build a strong foundation in the fascinating field of artificial ‎intelligence. With clear explanations and easy-to-understand examples, this section lays the ‎groundwork for anyone new to AI, making complex ideas accessible and engaging.‎

#1-Disruptive technology

#1-Disruptive technology refers to an innovation that significantly alters existing markets ‎or industries by introducing new products, services, or business models that outperform ‎and eventually replace established competitors.‎

‎"AI is the new electricity. Just as electricity transformed almost everything 100 years ‎ago, today I have a hard time thinking of an industry that I don't think AI will transform ‎in the next several years."

    Andrew Ng, Co-founder of Coursera and Google Brain, and ‎Adjunct Professor at Stanford University.1

Why is artificial intelligence considered a disruptive technology?‎

Artificial intelligence is considered a disruptive technology because it has the potential to ‎fundamentally change the way businesses, industries, and even societies operate. ‎Several factors, combined with the rapid pace of AI development and its wide-ranging ‎applications, make artificial intelligence a disruptive force with the potential to reshape ‎industries, economies, and societies in ways that are difficult to predict. ‎ AI can automate tasks that are currently performed by humans, and it can also be used ‎to create new products and services that didn't exist before. This has the potential to ‎displace jobs and create new ones, and it can also change the way we interact with the ‎world around us.‎

‎"Artificial intelligence is a truly disruptive force that is transforming the way we live and ‎work. It has the potential to create new industries, revolutionize existing ones, and ‎reshape the global economy."

    Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet Inc. and Google. ‎

Summary & Contextual Relationships:‎

‎#1. Disruptive technology: Refers to innovations that significantly alter the way ‎industries or markets function. ‎

Relationships to the other essential terms:‎

Relationship #1 is to term #3. Artificial intelligence (AI):

‎ Disruptive technology now often involves AI, as it can revolutionize industries by ‎automating tasks and enabling new capabilities.‎

Relationship #2 is to term #6. Machine learning (ML):

Disruptive technology can leverage ML to create systems that can learn and adapt, ‎leading to significant advancements in various fields.‎

Relationship #3 is to term #10. Deep learning:

Disruptive technologies can utilize deep learning techniques to process large amounts of ‎data, enabling breakthroughs in areas like image recognition and natural language ‎processing.‎

Relationship #4 is to term #25. Big data: ‎

Disruptive technologies often relies on big data to fuel AI and ML algorithms, driving ‎innovation and transforming industries.‎

Relationship #5 is to term #41. Automation: ‎

Disruptive technologies may employ automation to streamline processes and improve ‎efficiency, leading to substantial changes in the way businesses operate.‎

Series Navigation‎#2-Data science >>

  1. Source: Metz, C. (2017). As Artificial ‎Intelligence Evolves, So Does Its Criminal Potential. The New York Times.‎ 

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